Loose Strife

On weeds and wants and ways and whimsy

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No news is not that good

Tue, Jul 29th, 2008 11:21pm by dkulp

Just a quick note to say that Laura’s visit with her neurosurgeon today was significant only in that he agreed with the radiologist that there was no significant observable problems in her brain MRI. He agreed that all the symptoms together — vision loss, vomiting, headaches, mild dizziness, neck pain — are worrisome and probably indicative of advancing CSF mets, but he hoped that that wasn’t the case. As I’ve explained before, cancer cells can either group together into “bulky tumor”, which was the case when she had tumor nodules at the base of her spine, or they can be diffuse, and in the diffuse case there is not usually any observable irregularities in imagery.
The surgeon referred us to a neurologist, who might have some knowledge about managing her symptoms. But we won’t see that doctor for almost three weeks (and that’s after I played the cancer card, again).
Yesterday Laura went to her eye doctor and he said that there was nothing abnormal in her eyes. Her distance vision is actually better and her near vision has worsened. This is apparently common as you get older, but uncommon for it to happen suddenly. So Laura got another set of lenses today and is hoping for the best.
Everyone agrees that the problems could be drug side effects, but it’s probably unlikely. I’ll call her neuro-oncologist tomorrow to discuss her case.

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1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Angie Coleman Fannon // Jul 31, 2008 at 9:44 am

    David and Laura,
    Thinking of you often, praying for you always.
    With love and support…..Angie