After yesterday’s post about treatment decisions, how ironic that I got a call this afternoon urging me to have Laura drink alkaline water. Hadn’t I heard that cancer cells don’t survive in an alkaline environment?
I’ve got a bad sinus cold right now and my girls were tugging and whining. I muttered something about it not being worth our time. Cough. Sniffle. Thanks for your concern. Bye. Sigh.
I vaguely remember doing my due diligence on this topic last year. For the record, the theory is baseless (pun intended). For more information on the body’s acid-base balance and its association with cancer, see
Acid trip
Thu, Sep 4th, 2008 11:14pm by dkulp
Tags: Uncategorized
2 responses so far ↓
1 JoAnn // Sep 5, 2008 at 1:14 am
I live in CA and have been praying for your family through Karuna. She shared your website with me this eveing and it is good to see who I am praying for through the pictures of the family. Blessings to you.
2 Susan Rees // Sep 5, 2008 at 1:08 pm
Wouldn’t it be “baseful” if you’re promoting an alkaline environment? And always remember, sharks don’t get cancer (my personal favorite work of cancer quackery). Sorry about your sinuses.