Well, it’s been a long dry period in the local police blotter until this month’s issue arrived in my mailbox today.
First, more excitement on infamous Bug Hill Road on Wednesday, May 7, 4:40pm: Report of a medical emergency on Bug Hill Road; child with lego stuck inside his nose.
The next day, Thursday, May 8, at an unspecified location, but probably Bug Hill Road (where else?), 6:45pm: Report of an annoying smoke alarm which was persistently sounding in the absence of smoke. Officer responded as well as the Ashfield Fire Chief; cause determined to be the old disposed-of smoke detector in the trash bin. The battery was removed and the alarm subsided.
And last, on Saturday, May 24, 6:15pm: Report of a juvenile locked out of residence; juvenile advised that she had brownies baking in the oven. Officer sent; access was gained in to the residence without incident.
Without incident? That must mean that the brownies were saved!
911? Like help, my brownies are burning!
Mon, Jun 2nd, 2008 10:07pm by dkulp
Tags: Uncategorized
1 response so far ↓
1 Heather // Jun 3, 2008 at 3:00 pm
What?!?! No chicken dinner?!?!? Call 911!!