Loose Strife

On weeds and wants and ways and whimsy

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No news is good news

Wed, Sep 12th, 2007 1:53pm by dkulp

The 2nd chest xray showed no change from the one last week.  That means no evidence of increased pleura effusion.
In other news, Natalie and Joe, Laura’s parents, are returning tomorrow to Virginia after almost a month here.  It would have been a tough slog without them!  And Naomi begins daycare in Shelburne Falls tomorrow, which should help Laura focus on good health, rest, doctor’s appointments, etc.

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1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Margaret Bullitt-Jonas // Sep 12, 2007 at 10:26 pm

    This is a beautiful Website, David — gorgeous photos — and a great way to stay connected. Thank you for your work on this, and for giving us a way to walk with you even if we happen to be at some physical distance away. Our hearts and prayers are with you and Laura and the girls. I hope Naomi enjoys her new day care!