Loose Strife

On weeds and wants and ways and whimsy

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Look, no hands!

Mon, Jun 23rd, 2008 3:18pm by dkulp

I am really really pleased to say that Laura is in excellent shape relative to what we were expecting. Her mobility has continued to improve, which has been a big surprise. Her walking is almost back to normal. She now walks up the stairs normally, alternating each leg, she hops out of chairs, the car, or bed with ease, and she walks around the house and garden without a cane and hardly a worry.
Her back and leg pain are under control with morphine and she has no chronic pain problems. Even her tingling, numb hand is better.
I admit I’m selfishly pleased that she can put the kids to bed on her own or lift Naomi in her arms. She hasn’t done these sorts of things for the better part of a year!
She is tired. Her eating and sleeping are out of whack. And some days she’ll sleep for 18 or more hours. Laura is borderline anemic and the oncologist suspects that the chemotherapy is the cause of the low blood counts and her fatigue. So Laura is on a reduced chemotherapy dosage this week and she also began a new weekly injection called Procrit to stimulate red blood cell production.
I think she is also losing some short term memory. Dates, discussions, plans, and prescriptions are the sorts of things she forgets.
But this is all manageable. And she’s in far better shape than her doctors would have predicted. I often think about why. Could the Xeloda and Avastin be working to not just keep her cancer from spreading in her nervous system, but reducing the cancer load throughout her body? Did the radiation kill the tumor in her spine and her improvement over the last month is just natural healing? Is her particular cancer simply slow? There’s no telling.
Whatever the reason, it’s very hard for me to imagine Laura declining again, which is to say that I’m frightened that it will happen despite this big bounce. I’m thinking of the future now in terms of six or twelve months away, but I know that doing so is naive. Still, had we but world enough and time, what then?

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1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Karuna // Jul 7, 2008 at 4:35 pm

    “Still, had we but world enough and time, what then?”
    Then we would be doing what you all are doing so beautifully – enjoying, cherishing and savoring each moment with joy, peace, laughter and much gratitude. What a gift you are continuing to give to each other, to us and to the world. I am of the belief that our intentions and actions resonate far beyond what we can know, and the energy we “put out there” ripples like the pebbles in the pond. So, your gentle Grace is rippling, further and for many more moments and days than any of us can know. We just remain in the beauty of each tear drop given in joy and sadness, and offer gratitude for it all!!
    Blessings my dear friends!!
    With so much Love,