I think Laura’s doing much better handling day +1 compared to the first round. She’s taking a special post-chemo anti-nausea drug and hadn’t had any nausea problems. She has been eating similar to before the infusion — which isn’t spectacular — but she’s getting good nutrition and sufficient calories. And maybe Laura also seems to be doing better during this second round because her health is improving.
There’s good reason to believe that her metastases are coming under control. A few days ago, before her second round, I mentioned that the horrible morning sickness and her cough were both mostly gone. Yesterday the doctor did not find any indications of fluid around her lungs based on a crude physical exam. (It’s still there, but probably not worse, and maybe reduced.) And today we got the news that a blood test for a cancer marker was down compared to the beginning of the month. The marker isn’t very reliable, but it’s another hopeful indicator.
Laura will probably get another CT body scan before her next chemo round and those findings will be very important.
So here’s hoping…
Marker down, hope up
Fri, Oct 26th, 2007 12:29am by dkulp
Tags: Uncategorized
3 responses so far ↓
1 Melissa // Oct 26, 2007 at 3:07 am
Add me to the list of people hoping!
As it happens, I’ll be spending some time tomorrow researching cancer biomarkers. Okay, it’s brain cancer, but I’m going to pretend that this work is for Laura. And with this in mind, the prospect of getting out of bed tomorrow morning just became a little bit easier 😉
2 Erik Learned-Miller // Oct 26, 2007 at 9:48 am
Great to hear some good news!
3 Rocky // Oct 27, 2007 at 9:05 pm
You are all in my constant prayers. Thanks for the updates. Love, Rocky