Some mixed news. Laura has not thrown up most days this week. Coincident with this is that her habitual cough, related to the fluid around her lungs, is now rare. Cough and up chuck were always linked in the morning, so their mutual absence is definitely a positive sign that something might be improving and either the chemo or the estrogen suppression might be working. And Laura’s appetite is a little better — she’s added a few more simple comfort foods.
But Laura’s back pain is worse and different. So that’s not so good. She had increased her pain meds earlier this week, but still is uncomfortable. Yesterday the oncologist encouraged her to increase it further. Laura’s worried about the side effects of the narcotics, but the truth is that the side effects of pain are worse.
On Friday Lily came down with a cold, including a fever, which made us a little nervous, but the doctor told us not to worry. Still, Laura had planned to have a chat with the kids to introduce the word “cancer,” tell them that her hair was going to fall out, and to reinforce some basic points that worry kids like “it’s not your fault” and “cancer isn’t contagious.” So how in the same breath do you tell your child to stay away from Mommy because you might make her more sick?
Well, you don’t. And Lily was fine today. And Laura shared her new head scarves and wig with the kids to much delight. Lily exclaimed at dinner, “Daddy, I got to wear Mommy’s wig! For when she’s bald!”
These are, after all, two girls who enjoy perhaps nothing better than dress up, so wearing these “silly hats” was sheer delight.
Dress up!
Sun, Oct 21st, 2007 12:42am by dkulp
Tags: Uncategorized
5 responses so far ↓
1 Nicole // Oct 21, 2007 at 8:14 am
Dave, I am thinking of you all every day. Thank you for the frequent updates.
2 Aunt Cathy // Oct 21, 2007 at 12:20 pm
In the midst of our concern and eager for news on all of you, it’s a good relief to smile over the enjoyment of the girls with Laura’s new fashion accessories. We can see their smiling faces!
3 Heather // Oct 21, 2007 at 5:59 pm
I hope you’ve got some B-52s-esque wigs in yor collection. I can’t wait to see you, Miss Yvonne, I mean, Laura!!
4 Sarah Kulp // Oct 22, 2007 at 3:08 am
Praying and thinking of you always. Thanks for the updates.
5 Suzy // Oct 24, 2007 at 10:02 pm
Hey guys. Thanks for the updates. Yesterday I volunteered in Ethan’s classroom and during the “writing workshop” he drew a picture of “Massachusetts” (your house and farm) and he took great detail with the dog house and swing that are in your barn. They talk about Lily and “Omi omi” a lot.